This New App Aims To Fight Patriarchy On Digital Streets
Smashboard empowers women by enabling them to create a community of feminists, who are both global and hyper local, along with professional experts.

Mobile app aims to boost reporting of rape in India, where a case is filed every 15 minutes
Women in India will be able to report sexual abuse, seek legal aid and receive counselling anonymously for the first time thanks to a new app set to launch this week.

Encrypted app aims to boost sex crime reporting in India
Women in India will be able to anonymously report sexual abuse, seek medical or legal aid and create private journals on a mobile app to be launched next week to make reporting of the crime less traumatic for survivors.

How Smashboard promises to be your digital ally to help smash patriarchy
Founded by Noopur Tiwari, Smashboard will be an alternative social media network, a digital ally, and an inclusive online community for survivors of abuse.
Can A Blockchain Startup Help Smash Patriarchy In Indian Society?
Blockchain is perhaps the hippest thing in tech these days. From being used to kickstart the cryptocurrency revolution, to applications

Meet Smashboard, an app that uses blockchain to help sexual assault victims
Smashboard aims to make it less crucial for sexual assault victims to report their incidents and store them encrypted using blockchain.

Les castes, vilain secret du monde des affaires en Inde
Les castes, vilain secret du monde des affaires en Inde

Female representation in Indian judiciary is dismal—and that’s keeping sexism alive
Not only has no woman ever been chief justice of the Indian supreme court, the representation of women across different courts and judicial bodies is also abysmally low.

Sexual Violence in India: Blockchain’s Role in Empowering Survivors – Cointelegraph Magazine
Technology cannot fix societal issues - but incremental improvements are possible. Exploring how blockchain can make a difference to women in crisis.

Encrypted App Aims to Boost Sex Crime Reporting in India
The Smashboard app uses blockchain to create an encrypted space where victims of sex crimes can store notes, photos, screenshots, documents, video and audio as a journal or time stamped evidence, said Noopur Tiwari, co-founder of the app
This new app is leveraging blockchain to help sexual assault survivors
A mobile application (or mobile app) is a software application designed to run on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices. They are usually available through application distribution platforms, which are typically operated by the owner of the mobile operating system, such as the Apple…

Aplicativo blockchain pretende ajudar vítimas de violência sexual | Livecoins
Um novo aplicativo blockchain pretende ajudar vítimas de violência sexual e prevenir assédio às mulheres. Importante inovação!

This App Uses Blockchain Technology To Help Victims Report Sexual Assault In India
An India-based, independent journalist, Noopur Tiwari, has launched a new app, named Smashboard that’s aimed at addressing these challenges with the help of technology.

Only 78 Women Judges Out Of 1,079 HC Judges Is Telling Of Sexism In Our Judiciary
As of September 2020, there are only 78 women judges in all of the High Courts against a total sanctioned strength of 1079 judges.

As Indians under lockdown take sex online, experts explain how to navigate consent and safety
How to make ‘quarantine and chill’ a low-risk activity.
Smashboard : développer les outils de la lutte collective contre le patriarcat
- Entretien avec Noopur Tiwari, Propos recueillis par Samira Ouardi
- Dans Mouvements 2019/3 (n° 99), pages 31 à 37
Smashboard : la plateforme pour lutter contre le patriarcat | Centre Hubertine Auclert

Connaissez-vous Smashboard, le réseau social anti-patriarcat ?
Mercredi 14 avril 2021, le réseau social anti-partiarcat, a été élu Grand Prix Netexplo 2021 par le public.

Smashboard, le réseau social féministe élu innovation de l’année 2021 - Elle
Imaginé par la journaliste indienne Noopur Tiwari, ce réseau social promet de créer une communauté « d’alliés » et de partager des ressources utiles aux femmes, notamment celles victimes de violences sexuelles.

Le réseau social féministe “Smashboard” remporte le prix de l’innovation digitale de l’année
(ETX Studio) - Dénicher les innovations digitales d’aujourd’hui pour dessiner les tendances d’usages de demain. C’est l’objectif de l’observatoire Netexplo, qui récompense des projets numériques porteurs à travers le...